Showing posts with the label Microfinance

Obstacles to the Global Mobile Banking Era

In many parts of the developing world, mobile banking or "m-banking" has largely supplanted conventional banking as the primary interface of customers with the financial system. For starter…

The Microfinance Backlash in India Over Rates

I thought this post would be a good follow-up to one I featured earlier regarding the debate on whether to cap interest rates on microloans. Generally, I believe that the standard of judging whether…

Microfinance - Should Interest Rates be Capped?

Hot on the heels of my recent microfinance in Cuba post , here comes a more mainstream debate on whether rates charged by lenders should be capped. As with the example of European banks leading the c…

Vile Capitalists Invade Cuba...With Microfinance

[ NOTE: Inspired by the story in question, what follows is my finest World Socialist Website impression at the moment. See what you make of it. ] Friends, comrades, lend me your ears. The imperialis…
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