Showing posts with the label Maine

UFOs Visited Nuclear Missile Sites, Reports The Defense Department | UFO CHRONICLES – 1975

... nuclear missile launch sites and bomber bases were visited by unidentified, low-flying and elusive objects, according to Defensive department reports. The sightings, made visually and on r…

Eerie Encounter with UFO On Lonely Road | UFO CHRONICLE – 1978

An object with flashing lights which surrounded his car, completely stopping it and making it completely dead – no lights, no radio, no engine running, nothing (click and or right click on image[s] …

Maine Masonic College 2010 Roaring Success

This past weekend was huge in the Masonic world. While I was out at the the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference 2010 in Albuquerque , Brother Ed King passed along news of something just as important in…
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