Showing posts with the label Lockerbie

Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's family launch new appeal against conviction

The family of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi have lodged a new bid to appeal against his conviction, five years after his death. Lawyer Aamer Anwar joined family members and supporters to han…


A SECRET videotape exists of the moment the bomb that brought down Pan Am flight 103 was planted but has been “lost” by the authorities, it emerged yesterday. The footage was shot by German intelli…

US paid reward to Lockerbie witness, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi papers claim

Two key figures in the conviction of the Lockerbie bomber were secretly given rewards of up to $3m (£1.9m) in a deal discussed by Scottish detectives and the US government, according to legal paper…

Lockerbie bomber disputes conviction with new dossier

The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing has released a dossier of legal papers which he claims are proof he was wrongly convicted of the worst terrorist attack on British soil. The documents, pu…

Lockerbie: Megrahi was framed

by John Pilger The American satirist Larry David once addressed a voluble crony as “a babbling brook of bullshit”. Such eloquence summarises the circus of Megrahi’s release. No one in authority ha…

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil'

The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked mini…

The Lockerbie Case

Commentaries on the Lockerbie Case by Robert Black, Professor Emeritus of Scots Law at the University of Edinburgh. »»

The real scandal is the lost opportunity to uncover the conspirators behind the Lockerbie plot

In his cack-handed handling of the case, Kenny MacAskill, Scotland’s Justice Secretary, has now made it impossible to find out what really happened. There will be no judicial appeal. No court will …

New Evidence Reveals Libyan Convicted of Lockerbie Bombing Innocent

As the political furor over the release of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi engulfs three countries in bitter recriminations, The Mail on Sunday can now reveal the new and compellin…


AN AMERICAN citizen is to be named by the Lockerbie bomber as the man who really carried out the terrorist attack on Pan Am Flight 103. Lawyers for the bomber were to argue that an “elusive” terro…
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