Showing posts with the label Linguistics

New linguistic analysis finds Dravidian language family is approximately 4,500 years old

The origin of the Dravidian language family, consisting of about 80 varieties spoken by 220 million people across southern and central India and surrounding countries, can be dated to about 4,500 yea…

Ancient DNA reveals genetic replacement despite language continuity in the South Pacific

New genetic research reveals the complex demographic history of Vanuatu, explaining how Austronesian languages were retained throughout its history despite near-total replacement of early Austronesia…

Did humans speak through cave art? New paper links ancient drawings and language’s origins

When and where did humans develop language? To find out, look deep inside caves, suggests an MIT professor. Stock image of a cave painting in South Africa [Credit: MIT] More precisely, some specific …

Homo erectus may have sailed to islands and used language

They had bodies similar to modern humans, could make tools, and were possibly the first to cook. Now one expert is arguing that Homo erectus might have been a mariner – complete with sailing lingo. L…

Interdisciplinary approach yields new insights into human evolution

The evolution of human biology should be considered part and parcel with the evolution of humanity itself, proposes Nicole Creanza, assistant professor of biological sciences. She is the guest editor…

Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia

A previously unknown language has been found in the Malay Peninsula by linguists from Lund University in Sweden. The language has been given the name Jedek. Jedek is an Austroasiatic language spoken …

Simpler grammar, larger vocabulary: a linguistic paradox explained

Languages have an intriguing paradox. Languages with lots of speakers, such as English and Mandarin, have large vocabularies with relatively simple grammar. Yet the opposite is also true: Languages w…

Using AI to uncover mysteries of the Voynich manuscript

Computing scientists at the University of Alberta are using artificial intelligence to decipher an ancient manuscript. UAlberta researchers are using artificial intelligence to decipher the text in t…
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