Showing posts with the label Life Beyond earth

NASA May Have Already Found Signs of Alien Life on Saturn’s Enceladus

Microbes that produce methane may already be living on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn which is tipped to host life because it boasts a  liquid water ocean  beneath a crust of solid ice, and  strange atm…

This is Why the Discovery of Alien Life Would be our Doom

Since the Universe is big and old, and life on Earth didn’t take relatively long to evolve, then life should be everywhere in the Universe. And yet, no matter how hard we look, we don’t see any evide…

Russians Claim they’ve Found the First Extraterrestrial Life

Science fiction has taught us to expect our first contact with alien life to be a momentous event, with radio signals from another civilization filling our airwaves and perhaps even the arrival of an…

Breaking: Alien Life ‘May Be Thriving on Saturn’s Moon’

Alien life may be thriving in a warm, underground ocean on Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus, according to new research. Scientists say tidal forces could have kept the subterranean sea liquid for billions…

Humanity May Be Alone In The Universe

There may never have been another intelligent, technologically advanced alien species in the entire history of the Universe. Last week, in the New York Times, scientist Adam Frank emphatically wrote …

China's Astronomers Aim to Be First to Discover Existence of an Advanced Technological Civilization

"We don't know when earthlings will discover ET. It could be 1,000 years from now, or in our lifetimes. It could be next year, when FAST gets going on the sky surveys," said Dan Werthim…

Meet ELF; A Telescope Capable Of Seeing 120 TRILLION Miles into Space and Finding Aliens

This groundbreaking telescope would have the ability to see up to 120 Trillion miles into outer space and discover life beyond Earth. Dubbed as ELF—which stands for ExoLife finder—the telescope would…

SETI Scientist Bets that We'll Find Intelligent Alien Life in 20 Years

The  Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute  has spent decades researching and exploring the mysterious, and often unexplained, phenomena of our universe. The enduring hope being …

Here Are 7 Places in Our Solar System Most Likely to Harbour Alien Life

As humans have ventured further from our home planet, we have sought other living organisms, proof that we're not alone. We, of course, haven't found any yet. But a growing amount of data has…

To Find Aliens, We Must Think Of Life As We Don’t Know It

From blob-like jellyfish to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is difficult to recognize some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challeng…

Astronomers to Send Cosmic Messages in 2018 to Search for Aliens

A group of alien searchers is gearing up to send out cosmic messages in 2018 in order to look for the existence of  extraterrestrial life , according to a report in CNET. The Search for Extraterrestr…
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