Showing posts with the label Lebanon

'Barbie doll' plane bomb terrorists could face death sentences in Lebanon

Ancient statues return to Lebanon as war on smuggling intensifies

Ancient sculptures that were missing for decades after being stolen during Lebanon's civil war are to go on display in Beirut thanks to a global fight against antiquities smuggling that has been …

Ancient Phoenician DNA from Sardinia, Lebanon reflects settlement, integration, mobility

Ancient DNA from the Phoenician remains found in Sardinia and Lebanon could provide insight into the extent of integration with settled communities and human movement during this time period, accordi…

Lebanon Judge Wants Death Penalty for 14-Year-Old Killer

Uncovering varied pathways to agriculture

Around 15,000 years ago, the Natufian culture appeared in what is today’s Middle East. This culture, which straddled the border between nomadic and settled lifestyles, had diverse, complex origins – …

Archaeologists revise chronology of the last hunter-gatherers in the Near East

New research by a team of scientists and archaeologists based at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the University of Copenhagen suggests that the 15,000-year-old 'Natufian Culture' could …

Lebanon: Death penalty for Bachir Gemayel killers

Lebanon: Officials divided as calls to reinstate death penalty grow

Eye Watch Lebanon

Eye Watch Lebanon is an online magazine and website for regular, recognized Freemasonry in Lebanon. That's a tall order, because Freemasonry in that relatively small country includes a patchwork…

GL of New York Suspends Amity With GL of District of Columbia

According to a message posted elsewhere by Right Worshipful Jay D. Marksheid, Grand Director of Ceremonies of the Grand Lodge of New York , a dispute has arisen between grand lodges in New York and W…
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