Showing posts with the label Landing

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Talks About UFOs | VIDEO – 1996

This video (below) documents Gordon Cooper’s UFO sightings. It originally aired in 1996/1997 (exact airdate unknown) on the television series The Paranormal Borderline, hosted by Jonathan Frak…

Huge Flying Saucer Seen On The Ground in Kuwait | UFO CHRONICLE – 1978

- click and or right click on image(s) to enlarge -      The first ever Flying Saucer in oil rich Kuwait came without sound; was as big as a jumbo jet, cylindrical, with a huge dome and a flashing …

The Day UFOs Invaded Uribelarrea | ARGENTINA

Strange circles were found 30 years ago on a field belonging to the Parodi family. Residents saw incandescent lights traveling at high speed Inexplicata 3-25-16 “We have seen something th…

Panamanian Indians Report 'Strange Visitors' Board Grounded Flying Saucer, Which Then Took Off

Panamanian Indians witnessed "strange visitors" board a Flying Saucer (UFO) which then immediately took off Atlanta Daily World 4-21-1950 See Also: Video: UFOs Over Panama City, …

Four UFOs (Flying Saucers) Seen To Land in Woods

Tweet By The Racquette 10-20-1950 See Also: LANDING OF SAUCER REPORTED March 21, 1966 Eight Flying Saucers Landed in Idaho July 6, 1947 Flying Saucer: Midget Pilot Reported Landing in Mexico * Spe…

Flying Saucer Mystery: School Went Silent | UFO CHRONICLE – 1966

By The Dandenong Journal 4-14-1966 See Also: Westall '66: A Suburban UFO Mystery | VIDEO Has The Westall UFO Incident Been Solved? 'Westall UFO Incident' Reinvestigated UFO Witnesses Re…
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