Showing posts with the label Landing

Object Lands On Highway

Tweet      Sightings of a blazing oval shaped object that landed on highways and then took off at tremendous speeds straight up early this moring have been reported to sheriff's offices here …

Army Alerted as Burning UFO Crashes

U.S. Army officials and the Pennsylvania State Police Thursday night sealed off an area in southwestern Pennsylvania explaining there "is an unidentified flying object in the woods."…

Kecksburg UFO Incident: Eyewitness Interviews | VIDEO

Editor's Note: The Unsolved Mysteries series would first investigate the Kecksburg UFO Incident, in September 19, 1990; they would revisit the case in 2008, as seen below. Watch eyewitnesses de…

Kecksburg UFO Incident: Scientist Says 'Flying Object Was Not A Meteorite' | UFO CHRONICLE – 1965

Shortly before sundown on Dec. 9 (1965), a fiery bright-orange object, or objects, flew from Michigan to the tip of Ontario and western Lake Erie, and then the northeast corner of Ohio, appare…

Kecksburg UFO Crash - First Eyewitness?

On December 9, 1965 hundreds of eyewitnesses watched an amazing object streak across the sky, the object was witnessed from Canada all the way to Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where the object crash …

UFO Lands On Conyngham Mountain | UFO CHRONICLE – 1947

A "Flying Saucer" landed on Conyngham mountain on Friday, June 27 [1947], according to the eyewitness description of a Conyngham woman, who asked that her name not be used. The P…

Eerie UFO Reported to Land by Marine Pilots | UFO CHRONICLE –- 1953

An eerie account of a glowing disk-like object seen by four pilots was released today by officials at the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point. One of the pilots thought he saw it land, and …

The X-37B Secret Space Plane Lands With A Boom

The Air Force's experimental X-37B space plane announced the end of its nearly two-year mission by creating a sonic boom on Sunday that surprised residents along Florida's Space Coast…

'Kecksburg UFO Crash' Movie Sparks Casting Call for Local Actors

KINGWOOD — Regional actors of all ages seeking roles are invited to audition on May 7 at the Preston Community Arts Center in Kingwood for a part in a forthcoming feature film based on the his…

Broad Haven UFO Sightings Investigated by Ministry of Defence | 40th Anniversary

 Broadhaven School Children Drawings of UFOs February 1977 (credit: Wales Online) The Broad Haven Triangle sightings made national headlines 40 years ago      New details have emerged shedding li…

Air Force / National Guard Investigation/Report of UFO Landing | UFO CHRONICLE – 1966

Brig Gen Homer G. Goebel, Lt Col Thomas E. Marking, Capt Edward A. Skroch and MSgt Everett E. Brust arrived at the scene of the reported sighting. At the point where the observer said the obje…

UFO 'Landing' Investigated by Air National Guard | UFO CHRONICLE – 9/17/1966

Randy said, he saw a thing that looked like two bowls joined face-to-face come almost straight down and land in the field. It stayed there about a minute, then rose at a sharp angle and was o…

Mysterious Unidentified Object Crashes in Hpakant, Myanmar

Though no one was injured, the UFO ripped through a jade miner's tent, and afterwards, the smell of burning filled the air, according to The Myanmar Times.      A large, unidentified metal obje…

UFO with Humanoid Occupants in Lugo, Spain - 1980

Witness described a large, shell-shaped object, both on its upper and lower section, with numerous portholes around it. Standing close to this vehicle were three very strange humanoid entities.     …

The Westall 'UFO' Incident 50th Anniversary; Witnesses Speak Out | VIDEO

The Westall UFO Incident occurred in a suburb of Melbourne in 1966 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It’s one of the best documented and corroborated UFO cases in Australia wi…
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