Showing posts with the label Kissinger

Trump Meets with Kissinger (5-10-17)

Memo shows Kissinger and Rumsfeld in damage control mode following revelation of CIA domestic activities

In late December 1974, the New York Times published an article reporting a massive set of CIA operations conducted domestically and targeting American citizens. A memo marked CONFIDENTIAL in the Kis…

Kissinger and the CIA discussed ways to limit Congressional access to information regarding the Agency’s activities

Topics included NSA spying on Americans, selectively leaking less damaging info, and how much blame could be shifted to the FBI Leaks from the government and even Congress itself are nothing new. As …

Kissinger's 1976 Cable Sheds More Light on 'Operation Condor'

The document and others previously obtained under the FOIA by the Archive have reopened a 34-year-old controversy about what Kissinger's office and the CIA knew about "Operation Condor"…

Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence

What we can say today, with certainty, is that if we are to believe that al Qaeda orchestrated the events of 9/11 then we do not know much about al Qaeda. Alternatively, there was a far more powerfu…

New World Order Leaders Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski on Charlie Rose

April 6, 2009 Charlie Rose is a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations.. Read full article »»
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