Showing posts with the label Juvenile offenders

UN rights experts call on Iran to halt execution of second juvenile offender in as many weeks

Iranian cleric leaves Germany under threat of prosecution over death sentences

New Iran drug law saves thousands from the noose

Afghan national executed in Eastern Iran

Japan hangs 2 inmates; first executions since July

Death Penalty for Mentally Ill Defendants? That's not justice, argue mental health professionals

Lebanon Judge Wants Death Penalty for 14-Year-Old Killer

Saudi Arabia On Track To Execute The Most People This Year In Two Decades

Former Prosecutor Asks for Forgiveness for Philadelphia Man’s Wrongful Conviction

The Moral Problem of Life-Without-Parole Sentences

Roland Freisler – Hitler’s Screaming Nazi Judge

Egypt frees Irish student after four-year ordeal

Pakistan: In the interest of justice

Kentucky: Trial delayed, death penalty constitutionality under review

Iran: Juvenile Offender on Death Row in Ardabil Prison

Zimbabwe: 50 apply for hangman's post

Pakistan moves to narrow down death penalty scope

Iran: 17-year-old boy at risk of imminent execution

Texas Should Not Have Executed Robert Pruett

China launches legal assistance pilot program for all defendants

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