Showing posts with the label Japan

Rethinking Japan’s Energy Security 8 Years After Fukushima

By Xie Zhihai Source Link It’s been eight years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster. Since then, the utilization of nuclear energy, which accounted for more than one-…

Second track on Indo-Pacific and the Quad

Source Link The vast construct of the Indo-Pacific and the limited grouping of the Quad (the US, Japan, India and Australia) share a few significant traits. Both are attempts to define and direct the…

Sheila Smith on the Politics of Japan's Military Power

By Catherine Putz Source Link How does Japan balance its avowedly pacifist constitution and its technologically sophisticated and growing Self-Defense Forces against rising regional threats? How do J…

How Nazi Germany Went to War Against Japan (Once) During World War II

Source Link Most people who stayed awake for at least half of their high school history class knows that the Axis Powers in World War II consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan. But few know that Germa…

Japan Drafts a Delicate Approach to U.S. Trade Talks

Source Link When Washington begins trade talks with Tokyo in the upcoming months, its primary aim will be to pry open access to the Japanese market.  Japan is likely to offer the United States the sa…

New role for Japan

Source Link Japan emerged from World War II as a crushed survivor of its own ambition and cruelty, despised by the Asia it described as a “partner” in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Asi…

Is Japan’s Sun Rising?

Source Link JIM O'NEILL At a time of rising populism and authoritarianism around the world, Japan stands out as a relative island of social and economic stability. And though it owes its current …

Japan Calls for Global Consensus on Data Governance

Source Link By Daniel Hurst With vast amounts of data being created every day, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared that the next G-20 summit should wrestle with how to manage that digital…


Source Link Technological innovation and globalization have opened up seemingly limitless economic opportunity in every corner of the world. Yet the unprecedented pace of change has also created seri…
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