Showing posts with the label Japan

James Schoff: Japan and Korea 'Have Given up on Each Other'

By Ankit Panda Source Link In August, Japan and South Korea both upped the ante in their intensifying trade dispute. Japan made good on its threat to remove South Korea from a “white list” of trusted…

On nuclear protection, Japan gets a wake-up call from Trump

Source Link Brahma Chellaney North Korea has test-fired a slew of short-range ballistic missiles in recent weeks, including three new systems, indicating that it has been busy boosting its sub-region…

In the Dispute Between Japan and South Korea, Echoes of Trump’s Trade Policy

Kimberly Ann Elliott Source Link Japan and South Korea are in the midst of a nasty diplomatic dispute, and Japan is using trade restrictions as a weapon to try and resolve it. Beyond the potential th…

Only the United States Can Pull Japan and Korea Back from the Brink

Source Link In the vast U.S. alliance network, there are few tasks as prone to disappointment as managing the Japan-South Korea bilateral relationship. Just ask staffers at the National Security Coun…

Japan and South Korea Can’t Get Along

By Celeste L. Arrington And Andrew Yeo  Source Link Since late last year, a conflict has been steadily building between two of the United States’ closest Asian allies . Last fall, the South Korean Su…

Seoul and Tokyo Stare Each Other Down

By Evan Rees Source Link Japan's move to impose unprecedented trade measures against South Korea to retaliate against its increasingly hard-line stance toward Tokyo's wartime conduct will lea…

Japan’s Historic Immigration Reform: A Work in Progress

Menju Toshihiro Source Link Japan will embark on a new era in immigration on April 1, 2019, when it officially opens its doors to lower-skilled and semi-skilled foreign workers. Under the amended Imm…
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