Showing posts with the label James Corbett

What Is Sustainable Development?

5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World

The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by the oil industry. But as the “post-carbon” era of the…

Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda

CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop

Trump Continues the Never-Ending Opium War in Afghanistan

For all those pundits out there who were concerned that Trump wasn't "Presidential" enough to actually be President, I have some great news for you! This past week Trump wiped out any s…

James Corbett on The Power Hour (8-2-17)

James Corbett returns to The Power Hour with new host Daniel Brigman for a wide-ranging conversation on tensions with North Korea, Russian sanctions, Chinese censorship, bitcoin, Afghanistan withdraw…

Bracing for "Cyber 9/11"

As Al-CIA-da become the “good guys” (again), and I-CIA-SIS starts to crumble, and the latest boogeymen fail to strike a chord of panic in a boogeyman-weary public (remember the fearsome Khorasan Grou…

Requiem for the Suicided: Danny Casolaro (part 2)

In the previous edition we looked at the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro, the journalist who was about to crack the political conspiracy of the century, a plot that he called “The Octopus.” In Pa…

Requiem for the Suicided: Danny Casolaro

Danny Casolaro was a freelance journalist who told his friends and family that he was close to cracking a story he called The Octopus, which he referred to as the political conspiracy of the century.…


What We Didn't Learn At Bilderberg 2017

The Truth About Glass-Steagall

We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis…right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall …

Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy theorists like Zbigniew Brzezinski believe that organizations of interest work behind the scenes to manipulate world politics. They believe that false flag terror events are used to justif…

The JFK / Fed Myth BUSTED: G. Edward Griffin on The Corbett Report

Syria Strikes Truth In Under 5 Minutes

The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

TRANSCRIPT AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/rockefeller/

How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media

It is no longer disputed that the CIA has maintained an extensive and ongoing relationship with news organizations and journalists, and multiple, specific acts of media manipulation have now been doc…

How The CIA Lets In The Terrorists - J. Michael Springmann on The Corbett Report

The CIA & the Drug Trade

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