Showing posts with the label Internet of Things

The Internet of Things: A New World Order

Was the marketing hook ' The Internet of Things ' conjured up before the technical definition? Are we being persuaded to spend money on fending off yet another fantasy tsunami of data? Alread…

Internet of Things: Frequencies Used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons Will Tie Together More Than 50 Billion Devices

We previously noted that the Internet of Things (IoT) is a scam being pushed so that Big Brother can spy on us . Unfortunately, it is much worse than that! Believe it or not, IoT may also pose health…

The Hive Mind: 5G, Smart Grid, and the Coming 'Global Brain'

A lot of people look at their smart phones and just see a little phone with a computer in it. They have no idea what is coming our way with the smart grid, the Internet of Things , the Fourth Industr…

5G IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast

5G is being rolled out fast right now, with Verizon testing it out in 11 US cities and ATT also conducting experiments. For those who don’t know, 5G is the latest wireless system that telecommunicati…
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