Showing posts with the label Intellectual Property

Flattery? The Fake Chinese Land Rover Evoque

If the man on the street can't tell the difference, why not pay less than a third for the fake? The previous post on Chinese authorities "cracking down" on Alibaba for allegedly being …

UKR-RUS Collateral Damage: is Down

Even the mightiest go down sometimes. Longtime readers will know I have an interest in torrent sites as examples of the vast possibilities for intellectual property violation in the Internet age. Uns…

The PRC-India Trade Imbalance, c/o 'Shamsung'

Spot the fakery When it comes to globalized commodities, you probably cannot outdo Chinese no-name electronics as PRC-sourced fakes are the wares of street hawkers the world over. Hence, the ' Sh…

US-Led Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is Vile

If anything else, you must admit that the Yanquis are persistent. With the coming of the so-called information age, a concern which has been near and dear to many US firms has been intellectual prope…

N Korea @ World Cup: Why Pirated Tape Delay?

Well I'll be damned: contrary to almost everyone's expectations, North Korea fought toe to toe with mighty Brazil in their World Cup fixture. Up to the 55th minute, a stingy North Korean def…
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