Showing posts with the label Human Evolution

The origin of ‘us’: what we know so far about where we humans come from

The question of where we humans come from is one many people ask, and the answer is getting more complicated as new evidence is emerging all the time. The story of where we come from evolves almost …

Cultural evolution has not freed hunter-gatherers from environmental forcing

Because of culture, humans are often considered to be divorced from the environment and not under the same ecological forcing as other species. However, in a new paper published in Proceedings of the…

Human societies evolve along similar paths

Societies ranging from ancient Rome and the Inca empire to modern Britain and China have evolved along similar paths, a huge new study shows. The Roman Forum [Credit: WikiCommons] Despite their many …

The locomotion of hominins in the Pleistocene was just as efficient as that of current humans

In an article published recently in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology , researchers from the Paleophysiology and Ecology Group of the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución H…

Little Foot takes a bow

South Africa's status as a major cradle in the African nursery of humankind has been reinforced with today's unveiling of "Little Foot," the country's oldest, virtually complete…

New approach measures early human butchering practices

Researchers, led by a Purdue University anthropology professor, have found that statistical methods and 3D imaging can be used to accurately measure animal bone cut marks made by prehistoric human bu…

Skin pigmentation is far more genetically complex than previously thought

Many studies have suggested that the genetics of skin pigmentation are simple. A small number of known genes, it is thought, account for nearly 50 percent of pigment variation. However, these studies…

Small but distinct differences among species mark evolution of human brain

The most dramatic divergence between humans and other primates can be found in the brain, the primary organ that gives our species its identity. The neurons expressing dopamine-producing enzymes are …

What grosses out a chimpanzee? The origins of disgust

Chimpanzees do some pretty disgusting things. In their natural habitats, chimpanzees are known to pick up seeds from feces and re-ingest them. In captivity, some practice coprophagy: the deliberate i…

Human evolution was uneven and punctuated, suggests new research

Neanderthals survived at least 3,000 years longer than we thought in Southern Iberia - what is now Spain - long after they had died out everywhere else, according to new research published in Heliyon…

Rising inequality charted across millennia

Researchers at Washington State University and 13 other institutions have found that the arc of prehistory bends towards economic inequality. In the largest study of its kind, the researchers saw dis…

Chimp study reveals how brain's structure shaped our evolution

The pattern of asymmetry in human brains could be a unique feature of our species and may hold the key to explaining how we first developed language ability, experts say. Three-dimensional models of …

Height and weight evolved at different speeds in the bodies of our ancestors

A wide-ranging new study of fossils spanning over four million years suggests that stature and body mass advanced at different speeds during the evolution of hominins - the ancestral lineage of which…
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