Showing posts with the label Hegemony

The World Map According to Market Capitalization

The world according to shares market capitalization. There's good stuff at MarketWatch on how the world would look like if countries were re-sized according to their total stock market capitali…

American Hegemony in Sports: Blatter's a Goner

Making too many enemies in high places, Blatter was brought down. After a lot of huffing and puffing, it's finally come down to this: After Sepp Blatter's trusted lieutenant Jerome Valcke was…

Gross US Miscalculation on PRC's Asian Infra Bank

Obama's international economic diplomacy team is hard at work. I suppose that if I were in their place, I too would exhibit the sort of nonchalant complacency American officials have displayed be…

Europe Ditches US? Brits & PRC's Infrastructure Bank

"GEORGE OSBORNE - United Kingdom": your seat is reserved at the next AIIB gathering. [ See breaking news at this post's end on France, Germany and Italy also ignoring US calls for them …

China's Century or Its Lost Century? The Japan Analogy

Once the Rockefeller Center--and the future-were supposedly Japan's. Same with China? I am old enough to remember the go-go days when Japan was the all-conquering hero of the world economy. Ameri…

US Plan to Strangle China's World Bank Rival, Pt 2

Today the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was born. This is a continuation of a previous post on the US wanting Chinese competition in development lending to just go away despite the lik…

FX Interventionski: Russian Ruble Amid Oil Rout

Poor Russia; it always pick the worst time to have a crisis.  The trouble with being a commodity-dependent country is that putting all your eggs in one basket is bound to have deleterious effects whe…

Jeff Koons & Hokum as America's Defining Characteristic

To understand America, explain why "Orange Balloon Dog" is worth $58.4 million . At best, Americanism is a good-natured kind of hucksterism that does not take itself too seriously and invit…

Atlantic City or Detroit: Which Epitomizes US Decline?

They partied till they literally dropped. Thousands of years into the future, when archaeologists sift through the ruins of the United States as they currently do with empires Aztec, Babylon, Carthag…

IMF's Bad Guys: Quota Reform Without the USA

As any number of blog posts in the IPE Zone will attest, there is no finer pantomime villain than the United States [ insert your favorite villain sound effect here ]. From inventing reasons to invad…

Yanks Say: World Needs Less America But More Trade

The United States has the reverse Midas touch: everything it touches turns into, well, garbage alike its near-zero growth jokeonomy. After the fine job the crusaders did of remolding Afghanistan and…

Google Maps & Cartographic Discrimination Against Africa

Oh, the burdens of having ignorant Westerners relate to Africa--a continent that is largely a mystery to them. US television network CBS received much flak for playing Toto's hit "Africa&qu…

Why China Holds Upper Hand Over US in Asia for 2014

Or so the Nikkei Asian Review believes . And the reasons for China reasserting its sphere of influence in the region are straightforward. On China's part, it has the bully pulpit in 2014 as the h…

China's 'Maritime Silk Road' as a Hegemonic Project

The wrangling over both the US government shutdown and the debt ceiling caused Barack Obama to cancel his attendance at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) shindig being held this ye…

Kagan the American Exceptionalist Versus Math

It appears that Robert "Americans are from Mars, Europeans are from Venus" Kagan is set to come out with yet another of these eminently dispensable books on why America remains the indispe…

Game Over, America: RMB Eclipses $ by 2021

Or so someone now says. Publicity-seeking economic commentators like making bold predictions that sometimes cause them to lose face. Alike various doomsday cult pronouncements that the world will com…
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