Showing posts with the label Google

Skype disappears from Chinese app stores in latest web crackdown

YouTube Admits To Censoring Independent News Channels

American Pravda, New York Times Part II – Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News


Youtube's new algorithm removes conspiracy videos and may have the unnecessary side effect of impacting alternative media. Youtube removed several conspiracy videos about Las Vegas from their sea…

These New Earbuds From Google Can Translate 40 Languages In Real-Time

Imagine a world where you could speak or understand any language without needing to learn it. That’s a future Google has promised with its new Pixel Buds. They were revealed yesterday at an event in …

Google is NSA

Google wants to be Big Brother’s eyeballs on you. All US internet gurus knew this since before the NSA was found out spying on everybody. But now the Mountain View boys are more determined than ever …

How Google is secretly recording YOU through your mobile, monitoring millions of conversations every day and storing the creepy audio files

DID you know that Google has been recording you without your knowledge? The technology giant has effectively turned millions of its users' smartphones into listening devices that can capture inti…

Fears Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history

N THIS day and age, every boss is going to quickly Google a prospective employee before asking them to come in for an interview. But now the technology giant is working on project called Google Hire,…

Judge OKs warrant to reveal who searched a crime victim’s name on Google

Police in a small suburban town of 50,000 people just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota, have won a court order requiring Google to determine who has used its search engine to look up the name of a loca…

Judge Allows Claims Over Google Face Scans

A federal judge in Illinois refused Monday to dismiss a class-action lawsuit claiming Google illegally collects face geometry scans from photographs taken on its smartphones without users’ knowledge.…

US Judge Ordered Google to Hand Over Emails Stored On Foreign Servers to FBI

In this world of global mass surveillance by not the only US, but also intelligence agencies across the world, every other country wants tech companies including Google, Apple, and Microsoft to set-u…

Google's New Transparency Tool: A Window Into Government Surveillance

Google's new tool displays the number of "user requests" that Google received from various governments from July to December 2009. According to the tool, the company received thousands …

YouTube now gone Orwellian – Now requires SMS from every new Registrant

YouTube has become a phone number collector which means they can give police, FBI, and CIA peoples private phone numbers if you use Google. YouTube now requires all future Google and YouTube Registra…

Fury as Google puts the SAS's secret base on Street View in 'very serious security breach'

Military chiefs and MPs blasted internet giant Google today after its Street View service included detailed pictures of the headquarters of the SAS. MPs and military top brass have demanded Google re…

Reported Google-NSA alliance sets off privacy alarms

Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center, said any relationship between the two would be "very problematic." "We would like to…

Google to enlist NSA to help it ward off cyberattacks

The world's largest Internet search company and the world's most powerful electronic surveillance organization are teaming up in the name of cybersecurity. Under an agreement that is still …
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