Showing posts with the label Glass-Steagall

Glass-Steagall Hail Mary Falls Short–Quietly, With Dems’ Help–as Dodd-Frank Repeal Advances to House Floor

An ambitious bid to replace Republicans’ Dodd-Frank repeal proposal with legislation restoring Glass-Steagall was defeated on Tuesday. The House Rules Committee voted down the bipartisan Glass-Steaga…

The Truth About Glass-Steagall

We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis…right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall …

How Much Does a Politician Cost? A Groundbreaking Study Reveals the Influence of Money in Politics.

An ingenious new Roosevelt Institute study on the influence of money on politics begins with an incredible story about how the world actually works: In the spring of 1987, Paul Volcker’s second term…

Trump Weighs Breaking Up Wall Street Banks, Raising U.S. Gas Tax

President Donald Trump said he’s actively considering a breakup of giant Wall Street banks, giving a push to efforts to revive a Depression-era law separating consumer and investment banking. “I’m lo…
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