Showing posts with the label General Relativity

This New Study Suggests Time Did Actually Exist Before The Big Bang

Taking Einstein's famous equations at face value and making as few assumptions as possible, a team of researchers has rewound the clock on our Universe to find it wouldn't lead to a stopping …

No Big Bang? Quantum Equation Predicts Universe Has No Beginning

The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark ma…

The Three Meanings Of E=mc^2, Einstein's Most Famous Equation

For hundreds of years, there was an immutable law of physics that was never challenged: that in any reaction occurring in the Universe, mass was conserved. That no matter what you put in, what reacte…

This New Experiment Could Finally Unite The Two Biggest Theories in Physics

An idea for an experiment that could unite the stubborn fields of quantum mechanics and general relativity has been given new life by two groups of physicists from the UK. The fact that quantum theor…

2018 Will Be The Year Humanity Directly 'Sees' Our First Black Hole

Black holes are some of the most incredible objects in the Universe. There are places where so much mass has gathered in such a tiny volume that the individual matter particles cannot remain as they …

Prof. Brian Greene Explains The Difference Between Special Relativity And General Relativity

It was originally proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein in the paper " On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies ".[1] The inconsistency of Newtonian mechanics with Maxwell's equations of…

A High-School Student Just Won $250,000 For This Incredible Explanation of Relativity

The German physicist Albert Einstein needed complex equations to describe his theory of relativity, but 18-year-old Hillary Diane Andales of the Philippines does just fine with a pick-up truck, a few…

LIGO Detects More Gravitational Waves, From Even More Ancient And Distant Black Hole Collisions

For the third time in a year and a half, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory has detected gravitational waves . Hypothesized by Einstein a century ago, the identification…

New Research May Reconcile General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Scientists at the British University of Columbia have argued that constantly fluctuating space-time is responsible for universal expansion rather than dark energy. This may be an answer to one of the…

New Research May Reconcile General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

Scientists at the British University of Columbia have argued that constantly fluctuating space-time is responsible for universal expansion rather than dark energy . This may be an answer to one of t…
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