Showing posts with the label Gender Equality

Woman Beater Mayweather, Hublot's Celeb Endorser

Hublot's adverts featuring Mayweather should feature this background music . We haven't had a corporate social responsibility (CSR) post for quite some time, so here's one. I am afraid th…

Reviving Japan: From Abenomics to Womenomics

While Japan is a country which much to be proud of, its record in promoting gender equality may not be one of them--yet. Among OECD countries, the wage disparity among sexes is third greatest in Jap…

PC Gone Mad: Women Drivers' Car Insurance in EU

Contrary to hoary stereotypes about " women drivers ," the truth is that they are safer drivers--at least in the EU. So much so that women have been charged commensurately lower premiums in…

Catholic Melinda Gates vs Church on Contraception

For reasons you are doubtlessly aware of, the emphasis on population control of most in the development mainstream has long attracted criticism from the Roman Catholic Church. What we have here is a …

Palace Coup? World Bank Vets Pick Okonjo-Iweala

News is becoming sparser as most of the Christian world slows for the Easter holidays. However, in the run-up to the selection of the next World Bank president which should happen in a fortnight or s…

Fondly Recalling Thatcher's Handbag of IPE Doom

It is one of the most notable incidences in European integration history: Although the exact wording is still being debated to this day, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously went …

The UN Should Be Anywhere But New York

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual p…

Three Cheers for UK Women Drivers, Shame on EU

My life fades, my vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos, ruined dreams; this wasted land. Most of all, I remember the man we called Max, the Road Warrior. To understa…

Egypt Not Alone in Having Demographics of Doom

Back in elementary school, I remember learning how to interpret charts. For today's feature, I'll extend this fond reminisce and explain with a few handy images why Egypt is not alone in havi…

Of Sexy Russian Spies and 'Erotic Capital'

Lest you think I've become an econodullard obsessed with discount rates and multiplier effects--it's easy enough to find plenty enough of those without looking hard--here's funner stuff t…

Washing Machine Changed World More Than Web

Don't take my word for it; take Ha-Joon Chang's. Just a few posts back , I wrote about the absolute deluge of events here at the LSE on Tuesday, including the launch event of Chang's new …

PC Gone Too Far? UK Jobcentres Ban Stripper Ads

The height of summer is here and even our dedicated scribes have gotten bored talking endlessly about unemployment. Or have they? The silly season is in as the press is having its fun with the headli…

Gender Imbalances and the PRC's Material Girls

Gender imbalances in China resulting from sex-selective abortion due to the so-called one child policy are posing troubling questions for the future of the country. Dubious Freakonomics-style expla…

Out Now: UK Inequality Report

I almost forgot to post on this: Just made available is a report commissioned by UK Minister for Women and Equality Harriet Harman and prepared by the LSE's very own Centre for Analysis of Socia…

Let's Hear It for the Girls: Women in IR/IPE

The role of women in International Relations and International Political Economy is a much-neglected topic that deserves wider mention in the malestream of Anglo-Saxon academic research. Fortunately,…

Did "Macho Management" Ruin Iceland?

I come to this tale of overly aggressive male managers leading Iceland to the poorhouse from a slightly different angle. During the course of my research, I have gone through quite some literature on…
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