Showing posts with the label FOIA

Sixteen years after 9/11, the American public deserves answers, not secrecy

Sixteen years is a long time to expect the American public to wait to know who was behind 9/11, the most significant act of terror in modern U.S. history. Unfortunately, the wait continues because of…

Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA

US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows Tom Secker and Matthew Alford report on their astonishing findings from trawling through thousands of new US military…

The CIA’s six most dangerous FOIA topics

From JFK to MKULTRA, here’s what the Agency didn’t want getting released to the public In a 1978 memo urging the curbing of the newly-empowered Freedom of Information Act, the CIA compiled a list of …

Five examples of the NYPD’s commitment to “transparency”

Earlier today journalist Matthew Chayes reported that NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Miller called the department “the most transparent municipal police department in the world” in testimony before Ne…

Alleged Alien-Human Hybrid, Intelligence Agencies, The FBI and a FOIA Appeal

DoJ Responds to FOIA Appeal, Directs FBI to Search Further for Lash Files      A May 10 email (see above) from the Department of Justice stated my appeal for files on Jeffrey Alan Lash "has be…

New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors

Judicial Watch today released 1,184 pages of State Department records, including previously unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges, revealing additional instances of Abedin and Hillary Clinton …

NYPD sent video teams to record Occupy and BLM protests over 400 times, documents reveal

New York City Police Department documents obtained by The Verge show that police camera teams were deployed to hundreds of Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street protests from 2011–2013 and 2016. …

Judicial Watch Sues CIA, DOJ and Treasury for Records Related to Intelligence Leaks Regarding Investigation of General Flynn

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Department of Justice and the Department of t…

Alleged ET-Human Hybrid, Jeffrey Alan Lash and Latest FOIA Requests

 Lash Files Remain Elusive      My latest efforts to obtain official files on the case of Jeffrey Alan Lash included FOIA requests submitted to the FBI and CIA. In December I received a response…

TSA’s Own Files Show Doubtful Science Behind Its Behavior Screening Program

NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS from the Transportation Security Administration appear to confirm the concerns of critics who say that the agency’s controversial program that relies on body language, appear…

Roswell - What's Next?

      Let’s look at it this way. If there is a first-hand witness still alive who saw anything, if he or she has not come forward and we all who have been searching for every possible witness hasn…

Millions of CIA Documents Reveal UFO Investigations ...

 Tweet      The CIA published a trove of declassified documents online for the first time this week — including reports from as far back as the 1940s on topics like the Cold War, thousands of page…

Disclosing Classified Info to the Press — With Permission

Intelligence officials disclosed classified information to members of the press on at least three occasions in 2013, according to a National Security Agency report to Congress that was released…

Congress Passes FOIA Improvement Act

The House of Representatives yesterday approved the Freedom of Information Act Improvement Act, which had previously been adopted by the Senate. If signed by President Obama, as expected, it w…

NORAD And The UFO Smokescreen (Pt 6)

Previously, in Part 5 of this ambitious series, “NORAD and the UFO Smokescreen”, I discussed North American Aerospace Defence Command’s (NORAD) role in the identification, tracking and catego…

Did FAA Redact Audio File of Pilot UFO Sighting?

They do it for our own good      Props to Green Bay QB Aaron Rodgers for sharing a detailed and provocative account of a 2005 UFO sighting in New Jersey. The story blew up in the sports world, even…

American Airlines Pilot Reports UFO? | VIDEO

This case was reported to me by Erica Lukes who is the director of MUFON for the state of Utah. She knows a radio show host (Pat Daniels) who was scanning communications between aircraft and th…

DoD Again Seeks FOIA Exemption for Military Doctrine

The Department of Defense last week asked Congress to enact a new exemption from the Freedom of Information Act for military tactics, techniques and procedures, as well as rules of engagement, …

Fee Increases / Pay Wall Re 'Mandatory Declassification' Reversed; Vocal Opponents Successful

ODNI Will Revise Declassification Fee Policy      In response to criticism of the hefty fees that could be charged to public requesters in its new Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) rule, the …
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