Showing posts with the label FDI

Foreign Investment, Duterte Drug War Victim

Unlike poor, defenseless Philippine teenagers , foreign investors have successfully avoided Duterte's Philippines. Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte has elicited international condemnation ove…

Will 2016's Record PRC FDI in US Continue in 2017?

2016 was a banner year for Chinese investment in the United States. Unbeknownst to many amid the China-bashing engaged in by Donald Trump and others is that, actually, investment by China-based compa…

Philippines' Duterte: Killer of Druggies...& Foreign Investment

Damage control surpasses the realm of art into science when the person whose offensiveness you're trying to contain is the Philippine President Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte. Despite the woe…

After Myanmar: Iran as a Promising Growth Market

Whither Iran? With few large developing country markets remaining untapped, Iran's large population and energy-rich economy certainly hold attractions for multinationals. The last one of note, of…

As China is Shunned, Starbucks, UBS Expand There

Starbucks still bets its future on China--and so do many other MNCs, so what gives? There is a tendency nowadays to sell everything China-related: companies in the PRC, companies that export a lot to…

Surprise!? Egyptian Telecom Expropriated in North Korea

The way we were: Orascom's Naguib Sawiris [c] with the late Kim Jong-il [r]. A corollary to "fortune favors the brave" is "misfortune favors the foolhardy." Yes, there are cel…

Will US Allow Lenovo to Buy Parts of IBM & Google?

Does it come with PRC minders listening in as a standard feature, NSA style? Call it Reds Under the Beds, Cyber Edition. The supposed land of free trade has customarily thrown significant roadblocks …

The Rise and Rise of FDI From the Global South

Much has been made of the protectionism which firms such as those from China have encountered investing in the West. I have called specious arguments on "national security" grounds unvarnis…

The (Delayed) Ascent of PRC Rating Agencies

There was another large controversy about Chinese firms operating Stateside three years ago when the PRC-based credit rating agency (privately-owned, mind you) Dagong was denied by the SEC from being…

Meet America's #2 Jetliner Company...Airbus S.A.S.

Mas oui! There's an old joke that the best car made in America is the (Ohio-made) Honda Accord. Similarly, we may soon hear that the best jetliner made in America is the (Alabama-made) Airbus A…

Latest US China-Bashing: Hog Farm Protectionism

I am a true connoisseur of all sorts of protectionism: the more obscure and inscrutable the justifications for it, the more I savour the hypocrisy. Free trade? Get outta here! In recent years, the Un…
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