Showing posts with the label Extraterrestrials

Russians Claim they’ve Found the First Extraterrestrial Life

Science fiction has taught us to expect our first contact with alien life to be a momentous event, with radio signals from another civilization filling our airwaves and perhaps even the arrival of an…

Alien Ranch Up For Sale

Tweet      ... The 10-acre property, called Stardust Ranch, was featured on the Travel Channel’s "Ghost Adventures" in 2016. On that show, the current owner, John Edmonds, discussed his k…

Ridley Scott: Humans Could Never Survive an Encounter With Extraterrestrials

Ridley Scott  has built himself a rather formidable career in Hollywood. He’s directed some of the biggest titles in science fiction, including the Oscar-nominated films “The Martian” and “Blade Runn…

Search for UFOs and a $100,000 Reward | VIDEO

AN AMERICAN UFO hunter is investigating a possible sighting in Australia. And offering $100,000 for credible evidence      AS ONE great search for alien life comes to a fiery end on the edge of Sa…

Looking for Space Aliens a Bit Closer to Home?

Astronomers believe it’s possible that advanced beings lived in or visited our solar system eons ago — and perhaps left behind certain ‘technosignatures.’      We’re used to the idea of searching …

Exomoons May Support Life

The discovery of an exomoon could be years away, but researchers are already theorizing the conditions under which liquid water might be found on their surfaces. By Elizabeth Howell…

Finding Proof of Space Aliens, What Happens Next?

Protocols for responding to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence have been created, but they might not be followed.      First came the suggestion that an “alien megastructure” had been ob…

Strange Signals Coming From a Star, 11 Light Years Away

Astronomers say they have detected "strange signals" coming from the direction of a small, dim star located about 11 light-years from Earth. By David Mosher Business Insider 7-15-…

New Search for Alien Life with Deep-Space Observatory

The European Space Agency’s Science Programme Committee has approved the Planetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) mission to move into the construction phase. They aim to launch thi…

Sorry, UFO Fans – NASA Says No Aliens ... Yet

Conspiracy theorists believe that NASA has been in cahoots with the little green men for decades – and yesterday the wilder parts of the internet went (even more) nuts.       A video supposedly pos…

'Evidence of Alien Life' To Be Released By NASA? | VIDEO

HUMANS are about to discover alien life, Nasa believes – according to the latest video from hacktivist group Anonymous. The hackers published YouTube clip which claims a Nasa scientist By La…

Reasons We Haven't Found Aliens

In 1950, a learned lunchtime conversation set the stage for decades of astronomical exploration. Physicist Enrico Fermi submitted to his colleagues around the table a couple contentions, summa…

Does believing in aliens conflict with Christian faith?

Some people believe that aliens exist, but is it okay if Christians believe the same thing? The answer is "no," according to Dr. Danny R. Faulkner of Answers in Genesis. By JB Ca…

Aliens Previously Populated Our Solar System?

Astrophysicist: ETs May Have Already Lived and Died In Our Solar System The big question: Did they leave artifacts behind for us to find?      As science continues to search the cosmos for evidence…

Alleged Alien Remains in Nazca | PERU

During the course of a recent investigation carried out by members of the Asociacion Peruana de Ufologia (APU), contact was made with the new owners of strange archaeological relics of suppo…

How Might First Contact (with Aliens) Actually Go?

 There are countless challenges from finding them to figuring out how to say hello      Making contact with an alien species would be the most important event in human history. The fabric of human…

Search for Alien Life Needs Human Mars Missions

Ellen Stofan, current NASA chief scientist, said sending humans to Mars would be a powerful step in the search for life beyond Earth. "I am someone who believes it is going to take huma…

Strange Signals From 234 Stars Being Investigated By Alien-Hunting Project

These light pulses "have exactly the shape of an Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence signal", and now Stephen Hawking's alien-hunting mission is on the case to confirm or disprove these clai…

MUFON - Motivated By Increasing Interest in UFOs, Company Orders Rebrand

Due in part to overwhelming interest among the international public in UFOs and extraterrestrials, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is undergoing a major re-brand and public relations campaign in…

SETI Seeks Ideas to Hunt Strange Alien Lifeforms

In one of Carl Sagan's last books, he noted that astronomy has brought humanity to a series of "great demotions." Simply put: When we first observed the night sky, we thought the …
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