Showing posts with the label Election 2008

Brazil's Amorim: Obama Must Save Doha Round

The election of Barack Obama seems to have rekindled hope in America not just among Americans but the international community at large: there can be no better testament to the strength of his politic…

"China Currency Coalition" Obama, Lookit This

I have a nuanced position on probably the most important political-economic relationship extant, that between the US and China. While I am no protectionist by any stretch of the imagination, I have f…

Rahm Emanuel: A Good Wall Street Investment

Phew! If I have kept strangely silent on the matter of the US elections, let me explain. Obama's victory has been a foregone conclusion for quite some time now. Thus, instead of weighing how much…

Obama's Job #1: Save Big Three (Perhaps)

After soliciting the support of the automobile industry during the current election cycle (as Democratic candidates for president typically do), Obama will be put to an immediate test: GM, Ford, and …

Now Yer Talkin': Will US Run a $2T Budget Deficit?

I previously proposed playing a fun parlor game called " How Much More Will Sammy the Beggar Owe in 2009? " At that time, my head was already spinning while trying to come to grips with Ame…

The $700B Bailout Needs a National Referendum

The (surveyed) people have spoken, and they are unhappy with the $700B bailout plan being assembled in the halls of the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and Congress. This from a recent Bloomberg/LA Times …

McCain, Obama Outline Their China Policies

Here is an important story buried in the rubble from the subprime mess: the American Chamber of Commerce in China recently invited US presidential candidates John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-I…

Hey McCain: Clean Up Your Act Before Wall St.

I get annoyed whenever Senator McCain tries his tired old line that he's a reformer out to mend the broken ways of America when the evidence suggests otherwise. Here is the latest case in point. …


For all your humble correspondent's faults, rest assured that Amerocentrism isn't one of them. In the blogosphere , there are any number of blogs commenting on issues of international intere…

Obama: (Trade) Nightmares of My Half-Brother

Barack Obama's first bestselling book was entitled Dreams of My Father . It seems, however, that he may not find some of his other relations so, well, dreamy . The press on this side of the Atlan…

Barack Obama is Wall Street's Chosen One

I went over to to get the latest scoop on the fundraising activities of the US presidential candidates. While not totally comprehensive, the site offers a workable picture of the cand…

Bush Sez This is "World Trade Week 2008"

A few days ago, our good friends at the World Trade Law blog had a post entitled " McCain Goes After the Free Trade Vote ." This, of course, made me wonder if there is such a thing as a fre…

Surprise! Clinton, Obama Back China Currency Bill

I'm actually quite curious what would happen if the US Congress passed one of these China currency manipulation bills. As we all know, a two-thirds majority in both houses is required to override…

Colombia, Clinton Get Rid of Mark Penn Over Trade

This has to be the most abysmal story in the race to the White House: Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's campaign strategist and author of Microtrends , has rightly been singled out for his glaring inc…

Does ClintBama Feel Bill Clinton's Trade Gain?

Bloomberg suggests no--it's mostly pain. If you buy the rhetoric both these candidates have adopted so far, then yes, there is little counterevidence I can offer that they are receptive to tra…
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