Showing posts with the label Education

Nine Nobel Prize Predictions for 2019

Source Link (Inside Science) -- Every year, the Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine, physics, and chemistry honor great advances and discoveries in science. Last year, one of our top contenders in…

These are the best universities in the world

Kate Whiting Source Link So vital is education to the future of society, billionaire Jack Ma has just stepped down from Alibaba to focus on it. But does it matter where you go to be educated? The for…

Why Vinyl, Books and Magazines Will Never Go Away

Source Link Leonid Bershidsky Vinyl records, paper books, glossy magazines – all should be long dead, but they’re refusing to go away and even showing some surprising growth. It’s probably safe to as…

Small Changes, Big Gains: Low-Cost Techniques Dramatically Boost Learning In STEM Classes

Source Link Low-cost, active teaching techniques–particularly group work and worksheets–substantially improve learning in university science classes, according to a new study involving 3,700 Universi…

‘Dream the Impossible’: Life Lessons from Keshub Mahindra

Source Link Keshub Mahindra, the senior-most Wharton alumnus in India, is chairman emeritus of India’s Mahindra Group, a $20.7 billion conglomerate. His father and uncle founded the company in the mi…

What’s In A PhD? – OpEd

By Murray Hunter Source Link A Doctor of Philosophy or PhD is the highest form of degree conferred by universities. The PhD exists in many forms and has varying requirements depending on country, sub…

Why Doctors Should Organize Meeting the challenges of modern medicine will require more than seeing patients.

By Eric Topol Source Link In the fall of 2018, the American College of Physicians published a position paper on gun violence. “Firearm violence continues to be a public health crisis in the United S…
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