Showing posts with the label Echelon

The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup

Say hello to America’s shadow government: a corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country. Th…

Echelon computers can't cope with bad lines

Who remembers Echelon, the top-secret telecommunications spy network said to be run by the US and allied Anglophone nations, and to be triggered as soon as certain key words or phrases are spoken o…

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Episode 4 :Big Brother

EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor “Abnormal Behavior”

The European Union is developing a 21st century panopticon, a beast surveillance system that critics describe as “Orwellian,” “sinister,” and “positively chilling,” that would collate data from num…

Secret Power by Nicky Hager Available as Free eBook

Secret Power gives us a heretofore unprecedented look at how the UKUSA surveillance machine is really run. This was published in 1996, and when I read it back then I couldn’t believe what I was hol…

Your Conversations Are Being Intercepted: The Truth About Project ECHELON

At least ten ECHELON stations operate around the world, and the network has the capacity to monitor huge volumes of international fax, phone and Internet communications. It operates on behalf of fi…
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