Showing posts with the label
East Asia
Archaeologists have unearthed a bronze kettle containing liquor from a Qin Dynasty tomb, dating back more than 2,000 years in west China's Shaanxi Province. Grave goods found in Qin dynasty commo…
An analysis of 115,000-year-old bone tools discovered in China suggests that the toolmaking techniques mastered by prehistoric humans there were more sophisticated than previously thought. Retoucher …
Modern humans co-existed and interbred not only with Neanderthals, but also with another species of archaic humans, the mysterious Denisovans. While developing a new genome-analysis method for compar…
Researchers for the first time reconstructed the head of a woman from the Jomon Pottery Culture period (c. 8000 B.C.-300 B.C.) using a DNA analysis that removed much of the guesswork usually involved…
From June 2015 to 2017, Guangxi Provincial Institute of Heritage preservation and Archaeology conducted archaeological excavations to the Yahuai Cave site. In total, more than 40 square meters had be…
A kiln apparently used to bake tiles for the roof of Toshodaiji temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site here, offers new hints into the craftsmanship that went into creating the magnificent structures m…
The history and archaeology of Mongolia, most famously the sites associated with the largest land empire in the history of the world under Ghengis Khan, are of global importance. But they're faci…
Wu & Wu (1996) first proposed the former "Eastern Asiatic region" to be an independent floristic Kingdom, the "East Asiatic Floristic Kingdom". It is significant to the defini…
Researchers found evidence of an oblong structure from the Asuka Period (592-710) that was likely part of a banquet hall complex for the nobility described in an eighth century official history of Ja…
Workers paving a farm road here stumbled on a 1,500-year-old underground tomb containing a large stone coffin, human remains and armor in remarkable condition. A cuirass known as a “tanko” and preser…
Scientists from the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) form part of the team which has just published a paper in the journal Scientific Reports , studying for the fir…
Archaeologists in northwest China's Shaanxi Province have unearthed the ruins of a government office building, which was believed to be a musical department of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) The …
An international team of scientists has mapped the evolutionary relationships between China's 30,000 flowering plant species, uncovering a distinct regional pattern in biodiversity. Eastern China…
New discoveries at the Lushan Mao archaeological site in the Baota district of Yan'an in China's Shaanxi province push the date of the Yan’an fortification complex back by at least 2,300 year…