Showing posts with the label Early Mammals

Short-faced bears, largest carnivores in the Ice Age, became omnivores to survive

Based on the analysis of fossil teeth conducted by researcher Alejandro Romero, from the University of Alicante's Departament of Biotechnology, a study shows that short-faced bears (Arctodus simu…

First population-scale sequencing project explores platypus history

The platypus is the ultimate evolutionary mashup of birds, reptiles and mammals. The iconic, egg-laying, venom producing, duck-billed platypus first had its genome sequenced in 2008, revealing its un…

Giant bear of the late Pleistocene found in Buenos Aires

It was discovered on the banks of the Salado River, northwest of the province of Buenos Aires, a paleontological site has revealed a lot of fossils in recent weeks. The skull and jaw of this giant be…

Mammals share mechanisms controlling the heart with a 400 million-year-old fish

Primitive air-breathing fish, whose direct ancestors first appeared around 400 million years ago, show mechanisms controlling the heart which were previously considered to be found only in mammals --…

Researchers sequence complete genomes of extinct and living elephants

An international team of researchers has produced one of the most comprehensive evolutionary pictures to date by looking at one of the world's most iconic animal families - namely elephants, and …

Fossils of a 20 million-year-old giant rhino restored in SW China

Experts have pieced together the fossil remains of a 20 million-year-old giant rhino at a museum in Chengdu, capital city of southwest China’s Sichuan province. Judging from its skeleton, which is 8.…

Ancient trail of Columbian mammoths uncovered in south-central Oregon

A fossilized trackway on public lands in Lake County, Oregon, may reveal clues about the ancient family dynamics of Columbian mammoths. Footprints of mammoths, dated to 43,000 years ago, are seen in …

Dinosaur age meets the space age at NASA Goddard

A slab of sandstone discovered at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center contains at least 70 mammal and dinosaur tracks from more than 100 million years ago, according to a new paper published in th…

Mega-herbivores were displaced by humans who partly took their place

Senckenberg scientist Hervé Bocherens has studied the extinction of mega-herbivores – plant-eating animals that weighed more than one ton – that occurred approx. 12,000 years ago. The scientist from …

Researchers pose revolutionary theory on horse evolution

Scientists have long wondered how the horse evolved from an ancestor with five toes to the animal we know today. While it is largely believed that horses simply evolved with fewer digits, researchers…

Giant extinct burrowing bat discovered in New Zealand

The fossilized remains of a giant burrowing bat that lived in New Zealand millions of years ago have been found by a UNSW Sydney-led international team of scientists. Artist's impression of a New…

Iberian brown bears not 'glacier refugees' from the Ice Age

According to the glacier refuges theory, after the last glaciations the bears of northern Europe sought shelter in the South. Researchers from A Coruña University reject this idea: they have reconstr…

New ancient dolphin species discovered in Ecuador

A new dolphin species likely from the Oligocene was discovered and described in Ecuador, according to a study published December 20, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Yoshihiro Tanaka from…

Primitive fossil bear with a sweet tooth identified from Canada's High Arctic

Researchers from the Canadian Museum of Nature and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have identified remains of a 3.5-million-year-old bear from a fossil-rich site in Canada's High…

Sumatran rhinos never recovered from losses during the Pleistocene, genome evidence shows

The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is one of the most threatened mammals on earth. By 2011, only about 200 of the rhinos were thought to remain living in the wild. Now, an internation…
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