Showing posts with the label Dyncorp

George Webb discusses investigation of Hillary , CIA, and Dyncorp's Ratlines for child sex trafficking

Guest was George Webb. Discussed his investigation of Hillary Clinton, the CIA, and Dyncorp's Ratlines set up for child sex trafficking, drug running and their organ harvesting operation in count…

George Webb: "Dyncorp, The CIA, Child Abuse & Organ Trafficking" - Richie Allen Show (2-16-17)

George Webb on the Clinton Foundation & Globalist Criminal Network - Our Interesting Times Podcast

George Webb on the Clinton Foundation and Associated Research - Hagmann Report 2/17/17

George Webb on Jeff Rense Show - DynCorp Human Trafficking, Haiti And Me

White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies

President Trump plans to assign a New York billionaire to lead a broad review of American intelligence agencies, according to administration officials, an effort that members of the intelligence comm…

George Webb on The Richie Allen Show ...2nd hour (2-16-17)

And the investigative journalist George Webb is back. We'll be talking about the US military contractor Dyncorp, it's history of child trafficking, child abuse, murder, corruption and how the…
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