Showing posts with the label Discovery

Finding Proof of Space Aliens, What Happens Next?

Protocols for responding to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence have been created, but they might not be followed.      First came the suggestion that an “alien megastructure” had been ob…

Oxygen Producing Comet Found in Deep Space

The finding shows that oxygen can be generated in space without the need for life, and could influence how researchers search for signs of life on exoplanets.      In 2015, scientists announced the…

Sorry, UFO Fans – NASA Says No Aliens ... Yet

Conspiracy theorists believe that NASA has been in cahoots with the little green men for decades – and yesterday the wilder parts of the internet went (even more) nuts.       A video supposedly pos…

'Evidence of Alien Life' To Be Released By NASA? | VIDEO

HUMANS are about to discover alien life, Nasa believes – according to the latest video from hacktivist group Anonymous. The hackers published YouTube clip which claims a Nasa scientist By La…

Is There Alien Life on Dwarf Planet, Ceres?

SCIENTISTS have discovered an abundance of water ice on the dwarf planet Ceres, suggesting it could potentially be home to alien life. By Sean Martin The Daily Express 12-16-16 The tiny sub…

Signature of Past Life on Mars?

Home Plate opaline silica (left) occurs in nodular masses with digitate structures that resemble those at El Tatio (right). Credit: ASU/Ruff & Farmer       During its wheeled treks on the Red …

'Surprising Activity' On Europa Revealed By NASA | VIDEO

On Monday, after teasing about an announcement concerning "surprising activity" on Jupiter's moon Europa, NASA revealed new evidence from the ice-covered satellite.      Look, we told …

First-Ever Binary Alien Planets Found?

Tweet       Astronomers may have found the first binary planets ever observed beyond our solar system. The two objects straddle the dividing line between gas giants and odd Nola Taylor Redd Spa…

New Discovery of 'Dark Matter' Galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy as big as the Milky Way that consists almost entirely of dark matter, a mysterious and invisible substance that scientists have been trying to figure out fo…

Earth-Like Planet Found in Nearby Star System?

(—An Earth-like planet may be lurking in a star system located just 16 light years away, according to a new research. The star, named Gliese 832, was recently investigated by a team of…

Newly Discovered Galaxy Spotted Orbiting the Milky Way

The galaxy’s empire has a new colony. Astronomers have detected a dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way whose span stretches farther than nearly all other Milky Way satellites. It may belong to …

Marine Robot Finds Monster at Loch Ness

A new underwater sonar-imaging investigation into Loch Ness has uncovered the remains of a monster. Led by Kongsberg Maritime and supported by The Loch Ness Project and VisitScotland, the missi…

Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Probe?

Astronomers are homing in on the whereabouts of a hidden giant planet in our solar system, and could discover the unseen beast in roughly a year By Shannon Hall ScientificAmerican 4-5-16 …

New Hint of Alien Life On Mars

By Sarah Scoles 2-1-16 Unusual silica formations spotted by a NASA rover look a lot like structures formed by microbes around geysers on Earth      The hunt for signs of life on Ma…

Alien Life Found in Our Lifetimes Possible, Say Scientists

Tweet   By Joseph Stromberg 8-6-15       Astronomers have dreamed about finding alien life for centuries. It's just always been considered a far-fetched possibility — the stuff o…
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