Showing posts with the label Democracy Now!

Formerly Jailed CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Jeff Sessions Is Extending Obama's War on Leaks

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that the FBI has formed a new team focused on investigating potential leaks to the press. During a press conference on Friday, Sessions said that leak inv…

Whistleblowers Shouldn't Be Prosecuted Like Spies: Greenwald on Alleged NSA Leaker Reality Winner

The parent company of The Intercept—First Look Media—has announced that it will provide support for the legal defense of Reality Leigh Winner, the NSA contractor who stands accused of leaking a top-s…

NSA Contractor Charged for Leak After Intercept Exposé Reveals Russian Cyberattack of 2016 Election

Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald: Criminalizing WikiLeaks is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere

As US Preps Arrest Warrant for Assange, Greenwald Says Prosecuting WikiLeaks Threatens Press Freedom

Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Vault 7 - Full Interview

Exclusive: Julian Assange on WikiLeaks' Release of the Largest Leak of Secret CIA Documents

Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy

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