Showing posts with the label Deep Space

"The Biggest Mystery in Astrophysics " -- Flashes from an Unknown Source Far Beyond the Milky Way

Perhaps the source "is a dwarf galaxy that contains a supermassive black hole, or is the nucleus of a disrupted galaxy or even just an isolated black hole,” Heino Falcke, a radio astronomer and …

Scientists Unable To Explain Mysterious Cosmic Radio Signal

Space is steeped in mystery, and that very thought alone has made scientists determined to break through some of the biggest questions of all. Yet finding solutions to some only make more what-ifs ar…

Where Gravity Is Weak and Naked Singularities Are Verboten

Physicists have wondered for decades whether infinitely dense points known as singularities can ever exist outside black holes, which would expose the mysteries of quantum gravity for all to see. Sin…

Kepler Space Telescope Just Discovered One Of The Most Important Planet Yet

In the hunt for life beyond the Solar System, several things are key. First, we need to find worlds that are similar in size to our own. Second, they need to be close enough for us to study. And thir…

NASA Receives a Response From Furthest Man-made Object in History

If you tried to start a car that’s been sitting in a garage for decades, you might not expect the engine to respond. But a set of thrusters aboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft successfully fired up Wedne…

Amazing Video Shows Size of Largest Galaxy in the Known Universe

The biggest galaxy in the known universe is basically staggering in size. But in order to understand its scale, you need to comprehend a little something about our own galaxy. For starters, the Milky…

ALIENS To Be Contacted In 2018 Despite Warnings From Stephen Hawking

Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an organization that will send radio signals into deep space in the hope that they will get a response, says that the …

Astronomers Discover Galaxies So Mind-Blowingly Huge They Break Laws Of Physics

ASTRONOMERS have discovered a set of galaxies which, in theory, are “too big and too bright” to exist. The galaxies in question are the most luminous to have ever been spotted. Such is the brightness…

What Does An “Expanding Universe” Really Mean?

It’s generally assumed that the universe — all existing matter and space considered as a whole — is at least 10 billion light years in diameter, and contains many, many galaxies. Since its creation i…
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