Showing posts with the label Death Penalty Restoration

Iowa: Capital punishment "is just plain wrong"

Iowa death penalty debate could ignite in 2018 Legislature

Editorial: Nebraska follows voters’ wishes with death penalty plans

Maryland State Senator is Submitting Bill to Revive Death Penalty

France opposes restoration of death penalty in the Philippines

Saint Lucia: Death penalty will not solve 'murder crisis'

Philippines: House seeks replacement of Revised Penal Code

Maldives to restore death penalty after 60-year moratorium

Maldivian and international human rights groups urge Maldives President to halt execution plans

Opinion: Death Penalty in Israel Will Bring Occupation to the Center of World Attention

Maldives ready for executions in September, president declares

New Mexico conservatives push for death penalty law

Turkey puts hundreds on trial over failed coup; Erdogan supporters chant: "We want the death penalty!"

Maldives' dark side: Death penalty threatens trouble in paradise

Philippines mayor accused by Duterte of drugs trade links shot dead

Philippines: Death penalty dropped from list of urgent bills

Turkish PM warns Juncker of ‘threatening statements’

Defiant Erdogan attacks EU, backs restoring death penalty

Lebanon: Officials divided as calls to reinstate death penalty grow

Lawyers contest constitutionality of Nebraska death penalty

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