Showing posts with the label Dark universe

Researchers Created The World's Largest Simulation of the Universe

A group of researchers have built the world's largest simulation of the universe , containing around 25 billion virtual galaxies. The simulation could help in the search for mysterious dark matte…

A New Explanation For Dark Matter Could Be The Best One Yet

The term just sounds ominous. And though it makes up an estimated 85% of the total mass of the Universe, it has remained a mystery to physicists for 80 years. It outweighs ordinary matter, which con…

NASA Just Detected A Strange, Strong Signal From Deep Inside the Milky Way --"May Reveal the Dark Side of Our Universe"

NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory has observed very strange and distinctive X-ray signal coming from our Milky Way Galaxy that researchers believe can help them in proving the existence of the mysteri…

Astronomers Have Uncovered Evidence of “Dynamical Dark Energy”

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the greatest mysteries in the cosmos. We're fairly certain that both exist, yet their nature remains to be fully understood. Now, a team of astronomers sugg…

Astronomers Are Finally Mapping the “Dark Side” of the Milky Way

Think of the Milky Way—or search for pictures of it online—and you’ll see images of a standard spiral galaxy viewed face-on, a sprawling pinwheel of starlight and dust containing hundreds of billions…

Chinese Spacecraft Just Detected a Mysterious Alien Signal That Physics Can’t Explain

China’s Dark Matter Foray:  Quantum physics has seen tremendous advances and a new hunt is in place: the search for dark energy. As this search continues by American and European scientists, China co…

Gravity Is Driving Growth Of The Universe - Researchers Confirm Via 600,000 Galaxies

Almost 100 years since Albert Einstein established general relativity, the theory has delivered its hardest test yet in clarifying the properties of visible Universe. Contradicting fresh cosmological…

Alien Life Might Be So Advanced That It's Indistinguishable From The Laws Of Physics

We've never seen aliens... Or have we? No, Roswell conspirators, not now. Please sit down. We're talking in multitudes of higher complexity. Try this on: Maybe aliens are the puppet masters b…

Astronomers Have Discovered An Invisible, Dark Matter Galaxy

The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) has taken an image with delicate distortions. That, in and of itself, is not too awfully interesting; though, these distortions point towards a hidden galax…
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