Showing posts with the label Columbia

Eerie UFO Puzzles Residents of Segovia, Columbia

 Credit: Inexplicata      Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky. …

UFO Explodes Over Cemetery in Arenda, Columbia; U.S. Air Force Investigates | UFO CHRONICLE – 1956

The United States Department of Defense recently declassified some of the best kept Air Force secret archives of that country. Official documents of sightings of unidentified flying objects thr…

Triangular-Shaped UFO Flying Low Over Columbia, Tennessee

By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 1-6-16      A Tennessee witness at Columbia reported watching a slow moving, triangle-shaped UFO with bright white and red lights, according to testimony in Case 73483 …
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