Showing posts with the label Cigar Shaped

Cigar-Shaped UFO In The Neighborhood – MY UFO EXPERIENCE

I was on my back porch smoking a cigar in Haverhill, Ma. It was August 10, 2015 at 10: 00 pm. this long dark elongated object, with illuminated nose went across the back of my house. My …

Deputies Spot Flying Saucer | UFO CHRONICLE – 1952

Tweet      A mysterious, cigar-shaped object was spotted rushing through the sky, by Watsonville police, Monterey county sheriffs and multiple civilians. Register-Paajaronin 1-4-1952 See Also: …

UFOs Spotted Over Omaha

By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 4-6-15      A Nebraska witness at Omaha reported watching three, “cylinder-shaped objects” flying slowly in formation, according to testimony in Case 64336 from the Mut…
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