Showing posts with the label CEFAe

Chilean Navy 'UFO' Video Explained?

Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel      This "UFO" observed on infrared video by the Chilean Navy leaving contrails is probably a plane leaving aerodynamic contrails; probably…

Official Press Release Re Chilean Navy UFO Incident | FULL VIDEO

(Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      The day November 11, 2014, a helicopter of the Chilean Navy (Airbus Cougar AS-532) equipped with a high definition camera infrared FLIR, was pa…

Groundbreaking UFO Video Released from Chilean Navy

The video depicts two connected white circular lights or hot spots, giving off much heat (Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO display…

Forty UFO Sightings Debunked by Air Force | ARGENTINA

Nearly 40 sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) reported in Argentina during 2016 were explained away as some natural phenomenon by those who took the photo or witnessed the event …

CEFAE Holds Conference on Aerospace Phenomena Research Methods | ARGENTINA

The purpose of CEFAE is to research the possible causes of unidentified flying object sightings, and publish a report with the conclusions of cases that have been solved.      On September 15, the h…

Argentina's UFO Agency is Being Shut Down - Here's Why

Tweet      When Mauricio Macri became the new President of Argentina, his administration decided to shut down several pet projects of his predecessor, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner. One particula…

Argentina’s Real-Life X-Files Unit; Its Rise and Fall

LIMA, Peru — Even at the best of times, Argentina’s former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was controversial. Accused of populism, corruption, mismanaging the economy and un-statesmanl…
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