Showing posts with the label By Tim Hebert

UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed | A REVIEW

Introduction      I recently bought and down loaded Robert Hastings' UFO documentary film "UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed." This is supposedly Hastings' milestone achi…

Robert Hastings Questions The Silence From The "Debunkers/Skeptics"

Tweet      ...Why the silence ? I can't talk for others but for me it's rather simple. Look at the entirety of this blog. This blog was originally designed and built for the strict purpo…

The Roswell Slides: The Seduction of the Will to Believe

By Tim Hebert 6-8-15      One would think that the mystery was solved concerning the Roswell Slides. Definitive proof was offered that the slides depicted the mummified rema…
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