Showing posts with the label By Roger Marsh

Cylinder-Shaped UFO Reported Hovering Over West Jordan, Utah

A Utah witness at West Jordan reported watching a cylinder-shaped UFO hovering while it changed colors before slowly moving away, according to testimony in Case 78051 from the Mutual UFO Networ…

UFO Videotaped Over Abilene, Kansas

A Kansas witness at Abilene reported watching and videotaping a blimp-shaped UFO moving over a local park, according to testimony in Case 78235 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness repor…

UFO Orb Photographed Hovering at 500 Feet

A Pennsylvania witness at Monroeville reported watching and photographing an orange orb-like object that hovered and moved at 500 feet, according to testimony in Case 78094 from the Mutual UFO …

UFO Sphere ‘Stopped on a Dime’ and Hovered, says Florida Witness | VIDEO

A Florida witness at Ocala reported watching and videotaping a fast approaching, bright sphere UFO that hovered in place before moving away toward the ground level, according to testimony in C…

UFO Spotted Over Connecticut Harbor

A Connecticut witness at Bridgeport reported watching a slow-moving, white craft at low altitude moving over Black Rock Harbor about 11 p.m. on July 2, 2016, according to testimony in Case 7745…

UFO Looked Like ‘Living Creature’ says, Witness

A Tennessee witness at Hendersonville reported watching a “reddish-brown, tube-shaped” object move low overhead that looked like it was swimming, according to testimony in Case 77821 from the…

UFO Photographed Over Dubai

A United Arab Emirates witness at Dubai reported photographing an unusual light that appeared to hover over a workplace building with lights forming a triangle shape, according to testimony in…

'UFO Sphere' Photographed By Washington State Witness

A Washington witness at Port Angeles reported watching and photographing a sphere-shaped UFO that appeared to emerge from a cloud formation, hovered, and then moved back into the cloud, accordi…

UFO Flies by Seattle’s Space Needle

A Washington witness at Seattle reported watching a square or rectangular-shaped UFO move silently over the Space Needle, according to testimony in Case 75528 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFO…

UFO Over Soesterberg Air Base

A Netherlands witness at Soesterberg recalled a UFO encounter in the military from 1991 that left him traumatized, according to testimony in Case 74907 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witne…

UFO Filmed Over Las Vegas | VIDEO

A Nevada witness at Las Vegas reported watching and videotaping a round UFO with light beaming from the object to the ground level, according to testimony in Case 59760 from the Mutual UFO Netw…

Close Encounter with Triangle UFO

An Ohio witness at Cleveland reported a close encounter with a triangle-shaped UFO, according to testimony in Case 75119 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The eve…

Disc-Shaped Craft Hovers Over A Nearby Home

An Idaho witness at Meridian recalled a UFO event from 1977 when a disc-shaped craft hovered over a nearby home and moved towards him, according to testimony in Case 75381 from the Mutual UFO …

UFOs Caught on Video Over Ohio

An Ohio witness at West Carrollton reported watching and videotaping two spinning UFOs with a gem shape that appeared to move in formation, according to testimony in Case 72295 from the Mutual…

Rectangle UFO Spotted Over Georgia

A Georgia witness at Cumming recalled a UFO event from 2013 where a black, rectangular-shaped object was seen flying low and blocking out the stars, according to testimony in Case 75213 from …

Triangular-Shaped UFO Reported Over Columbus, Ohio

An Ohio witness at Columbus reported watching a silent, triangle UFO, that appeared to be translucent green moving under the cloud cover on March 15, 2016, according to testimony in Case 75230…

UFO Triangle Spotted By Hunter

An Arizona witness at Willcox who is a meteorological observer for the military recounts a UFO encounter from 2014 and questions his own reactions, according to testimony in Case 74926 from the…

Triangular-Shaped UFO Hovered Over Hospital

A Maryland witness at Silver Spring reported watching a silent, hovering, triangle-shaped UFO above Holy Cross Hospital about 6 a.m. on March 9, 2016, according to testimony in Case 75115 from …
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