Showing posts with the label By Robert Sheaffer

"Tom DeLonge ... Believes Practically Every Crazy UFO Story He Hears"

Tom DeLonge, Serial Deleter      By now you probably have heard all about rocker Tom DeLonge, formerly of Blink 182, and his long-promised "UFO announcement" on October 11 that turned out…

Skeptic Robert Sheaffer Critiques Recent 'Kecksburg UFO Incident' Report

The train of the Great Lakes Fireball, seen across at least six states and Ontario, that started the Kecksburg 'UFO crash' story. Photo taken 9 December 1965 4:43 p.m. E.S.T. by Richard Cham…

MUFON Unravels

A few years ago, MUFON - the largest UFO group in the U.S., and probably the world - seemed to be riding high. Its motto is, "The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.&quo…

In Search Of 'Progress' in UFOlogy - At the End of the Road?

Every so often, a cry goes out from some well-known UFOlogist about the lack of "progress" in UFOlogy. The cry is often echoed by others, typically with great wailing and gnashing o…

The 25th Annual UFO Congress – A Skeptical Look

Once again this year, I attended the International UFO Congress at the We-Ko-Pa Resort, Conference Center, and Casino, near Phoenix, Arizona. It looks much the same as last year, except for the…
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