Showing posts with the label By Robert Powell

Navy-UFO Encounter – Pt 3: Contact Your Congressman for Investigation

U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force 11 Encounters Unknowns on November 14, 2004 near San Diego      In Part I of this series I told you about an amazing UFO encounter that occurred between the USS Nimit…

Navy-UFO Encounter Incites Campaign To Spur a Congressional Hearing | Pt 2 –The FOIA's

U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force-11 Encounters Unknowns – Pt 2      In December 2016 I submitted nine different Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the Navy and the Marines in an effort to …

Navy-UFO Encounter Incites Campaign To Spur a Congressional Hearing

U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force-11 Encounters Unknowns      I am going to tell you about a Navy-UFO encounter that deserves a congressional investigation to determine if this happened or not. I am …
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