Showing posts with the label By Alejandro Rojas

Scientific Study of UFOs – New Organization

An organization of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals hope to bring science to bear in the search for answers to the UFO mystery.       The Scientific …

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Team Made Public

Rocker Tom DeLonge has finally released information about a big UFO project he has been teasing for months.... In February 2016, rocker Tom DeLonge made headlines when he announced at the Inte…

Steven Spielberg Offered To Aid In United Nations UFO Effort

Steven Spielberg is really into UFOs. This is not too hard to imagine given movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET: The Extraterrestrial and his mini-series Taken, among others. I…

'Massive' Metallic Triangular UFO Reported Over Georgia

A witness from Georgia claims to have seen a “massive” metallic “beautiful chrome-ish” triangular UFO. The witness says the object had no lights and although it was huge, it was moving very sl…

UFO Meeting Held with Hillary Campaign Manager & USAF Generals

Recent WikiLeaks dump of Clinton camp e-mails exposes a UFO dialogue between Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, a couple of USAF Generals and rock star, Tom Delonge.      The recent WikiL…

Disc-Shaped UFO Reported Near Woodbine, Georgia

A Georgia witness at Woodbine reported watching a silver disc UFO hovering under 30 feet off the ground along the Satilla River near I-95, according to testimony in Case 78596 from the Mutual U…

AREA 51: Family Arrested at Gunpoint | VIDEO

A recently posted video shows a family being held at gunpoint after crossing the warning signs. Guards quickly swooped in seconds after they drove onto the grounds of the “secret” high security…

UFOs Beware: We Will Find You

That's right, space aliens, the jig is up. No more zooming into Earth's air space, ringing our doorbell and running away like the neighborhood prankster. We will finally prove you exist…

UFO Photograph Taken in Oakville, Missouri, One of The Best, says MUFON

Tweet      A mother and son captured images of a strange object moving towards them in June of 2014. The Mutual UFO Network’s Scientific Review Board (MUFON SRB) took a look at the photos and could…

UFO Hunting Mini-Satellite Gets Funded

Tweet      A group of techies have turned to crowd-sourcing in order to fund their idea of a UFO hunting mini-satellite. After an unsuccessful run on the crowd-sourcing website Indiegogo, their sec…

Rectangular Shaped UFO Hovers Over Wisconsin Highway

A Wisconsin witness at Verona reported watching a “hovering black object” about 500 feet off of the ground in a rectangular shape, according to testimony in Case 74442 from the Mutual UFO Net…

Top Secret UFO Files: Retired Navy Petty Officer Going Public?

Tweet      An anonymous witness claiming to have seen thousands of files relating to “UFO/ET” projects while working at the Naval Telecommunication Center at NAS Moffett field in the late 80s, says…

'CIA X-Files' and The Ongoing Mainstream Media Faux Pas

Tweet By Alejandro Rojas 1-28-16 CIA highlights old UFO files prior to new X-Files episodes      The CIA chose to take advantage of the fervor created by the new X-Files episodes b…

Russian Billionaire Bankrolls New Search for Alien Life

By Alejandro Rojas 5-21-15      Scientists working on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) got an unprecedented boost in funding that will greatly increase their abil…
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