Showing posts with the label Borneo

In 16 years, Borneo lost more than 100,000 orangutans

Over a 16-year period, about half of the orangutans living on the island of Borneo were lost as a result of changes in land cover. That's according to estimates reported in Current Biology showi…

New light on the mysterious origin of Bornean elephants

How did Borneo get its elephant? This could be just another of Rudyard Kipling's just so stories. The Bornean elephant is a subspecies of Asian Elephants that only exist in a small region of Born…

Untouched forests fight climate change, but face threats

The world's rainforests take up extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but their ability to do so is threatened by drought and fragmentation. The Bornean forest [Credit: Lan Qie] Human activitie…
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