Showing posts with the label Big Brother

New Orleans And Detroit Are Models For The Urban Police State

Detroit and New Orleans are quickly becoming examples of a city under total surveillance. How can you prevent your hometown from becoming a Surveillance State? by Derrick Broze New reports on the inc…

Google’s True Origin Closely Tied to the CIA

“Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. This is true. But it is a mere fragment of th…

The American Dystopia — Lincoln 'Partners' with the Police State

Sexing up the police state isn’t easy – but Lincoln’s trying. Ford’s luxury line now offers – scratch that, includes as standard equipment – a “complimentary” membership in CLEAR , which is the Depar…

Breaking News: FDA Approves ‘Trackable’ Pill

Regulators in the U.S. have approved the first pill that can be digitally tracked through the body. The pill, about the size of a grain of sand, takes 30 minutes to two hours to detect (the sensor ac…

30 Year NSA Employee Turned Whistleblower: 'The Ultimate Goal of the NSA is Total Population Control'

William Binney is a former high ranking intelligence official with the National Security Agency ( NSA ). He is one of the highest placed intelligence officials to ever blow the whistle on insider NSA…

Edward Snowden: The 'Five Eyes' Super National Intelligence Organization is Watchin You

More information regarding the United States’ massive surveillance program has surfaced again, via Edward Snowden , an NSA whistleblower who stole thousands of classified documents before leaving th…

Secret Code Is Recording Every Keystroke You Make On More Than 400 Of The Most Popular Websites On The Internet

If someone secretly installed software on your computer that recorded every single keystroke that you made, would you be alarmed? Of course you would be, and that is essentially what is taking place …

Ex-Facebook Chief Sean Parker Warns Site Was Built To Exploit People’s Weaknesses

Facebook. It’s something that over 1.8 Billion people are using on a daily basis — can you believe that?  For many of us, it’s the first thing we do when we wake up, and the last thing we do before w…

Exposing the SPACE FENCE — Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas

The Space Fence is a massive, planetary-wide, space surveillance system currently being constructed that aims to monitor you all the way down to your DNA. Officially, the Space Fence is, according to…

New Sinister Law Allows Australian Police to Listen in on Phones and Smart Devices Even Your FRIDGE

Passed not so long ago by parliament in Queensland, Australia, Australian police have been granted the power to turn smart phones, fridges and speakers into listening devices. Using existing technolo…

Proof That ANY iPhone App With Camera Permission Can Secretly Record You

This is pretty disturbing. Google engineer Felix Krause has detailed an alarming privacy setting in Apple’s iOS that enables iPhone apps with camera permission to surreptitiously take photos and v…

Corporatocratic Surveillance Just Got One Step More Invasive

Corporatocratic surveillance (i.e. the broad spread surveillance of the public by the corporatocracy) has become even more creepy and invasive with the advent of new programs by Amazon and Walmart wh…

Google is NSA

Google wants to be Big Brother’s eyeballs on you. All US internet gurus knew this since before the NSA was found out spying on everybody. But now the Mountain View boys are more determined than ever …

Alfred McCoy - Exploring the Shadows of the US Security State: How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother

This piece has been adapted and expanded from the introduction to Alfred W. McCoy's new book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power . In the wake of th…

Wikileaks Docs Show How the CIA Allegedly Infected Offline Computers

It seems that more and more information continues to come to light regarding hacking — not just by your average hacker, but by the CIA and other government agencies, too. Now, WikiLeaks documents hav…

Facebook Now Has a Patent to Literally Use Your Camera and Watch Your Emotional Reactions

In its latest dystopian innovation, Facebook has decided it would like to surreptitiously spy on people through their cameras, employing contentious facial recognition technology to analyze their em…

New Documents From Wikileaks Expose How The CIA Exploits Wireless Devices

In the latest ongoing WikiLeaks whistleblowing scandal, the website has published documents from the CIA’s CherryBlossom project, exposing agency’s exploitation of Wi-Fi device security vulnerabiliti…

CIA Agents Caught Red Handed Trolling Alternative Media Sites

The CIA have expanded their program that facilitates fake propaganda stories by using agents to troll internet forums, social media and alternative website in a huge attack on Alternative Media. The …

New World Order Test Run in UK: 5,000 New Soldiers Will Patrol Streets Because New Terror Attack is 'Imminent'

Over 5,000 military personnel have been ordered to take over law enforcement on the streets of London, as the British government imposes martial law and ushers the nation towards the next phase of t…

Theresa May to Create New Internet that Would Be Controlled and Regulated by Government

Theresa May is planning to introduce huge regulations on the way the internet works, allowing the government to decide what is said online. Particular focus has been drawn to the end of the manifesto…
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