Showing posts with the label BOLA

Battle of Los Angeles: Anti-Aircraft Guns Open Fire On UFO! | 74th Anniversary

Anti-aircraft guns open fire on unidentified object; round after round of ammunition fired by U.S. coast defenses By The News 2-25-1942 See Also: Battle of Los Angeles: Iconic Photo Shows H…

Battle of Los Angeles: Iconic Photo Shows Huge UFO Taking Fire Over L.A. Skies | 74th Anniversary

Feb. 25, 1942: Searchlights converge on unknown object over Los Angeles in the early morning hours. Over 1,400 rounds of anti-aircraft rounds are fired. This is the unretouched version. (Credit: Los …

Battle of Los Angeles: UFO Attacked in California Blackout | 74th Anniversary

- click and or right click on image(s) to enlarge -      Anti-aircraft guns fired round after round at a mysterious unidentified object which moved slowly down the coast from Santa Monica and disapp…

Battle of Los Angeles: Eyewitness Accounts – 74th Anniversary | VIDEO

"The most efficient explanation is that it is what we'd call today a UFO ... something not of this world ... something that belonged to another technology." –C. Scott Littleton …
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