Showing posts with the label Asteroids

BREAKING: An Asteroid Is Going To Scoot Too Close To The Earth, So NASA Is Going To Nuke It!

A huge asteroid is hurtling towards Earth at devastating speed, and NASA intends to save the planet by blowing it up with a nuclear warhead, the  Daily Star  is  reporting . However, it will be over …

NASA Plans To Nuke Incoming Asteroid To Avoid Deadly Impact With Earth

If an asteroid the size of a small village were headed straight toward Earth, there isn't much we could do on short notice to prevent a major disaster – except blow it up, that is. Scientists are…

NASA Reveals Asteroid Passed So Close To Earth It Was INSIDE 'Satellite Ring'

An asteroid has passed so close to earth it was within the ring of satellites and NASA only discovered six hours before it arrived, NASA has revealed. The rock, named 2017 EA, made its closest approa…

House-Sized Asteroid That Came 'Damn Close' To Earth Last Week May Not Miss Our Planet On Its Return Visit

Yesterday, an asteroid estimated to be up to 100 feet wide made a close shave with Earth, as it soared past at a distance of just 27,000 miles above the surface – or, as some scientists have put it, …

Elon Musk: We Must Leave Earth For One Critical Reason

In its early life, the Earth would have been peppered nearly continuously by asteroids smashing into our young planet. These fiery collisions made our world what it is today. It may seem like things …

Stop Saying That Dinosaurs Went Extinct. They Didn't and You Sound Ignorant.

Everyone knows that about 65 million years ago, a massive asteroid hit the Earth and wiped out all the dinosaurs. Except, well, not so much. Most species of dinosaurs went extinct in the aftermath of…

7 Objects Found in Outer Space That We Just Can't Explain!

From galaxies that are 13 billion years old to changing colors of Jupiter’s great spot, we will take a look at seven objects in space that we just can’t explain. (Image: This enhanced image of SN1993…

‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroid The Size Of The Burj Khalifa Is Heading Towards Earth At 67,000mph

A very gigantic asteroid which is almost larger than the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, will hurtle past our planet in nearly about almost two weeks’ time. The 2002 AJ129 asteroid ha…

Bizarre Skull Asteroid Will Return To Earth In 2018

An asteroid that bears a striking resemblance to a skull is set to pass Earth again next year, having last done so on Halloween in 2015. Called 2015 TB145, the asteroid is about 625 to 700 meters (2,…

A Star Heading Towards Our Solar System Will Knock Millions of Asteroids Towards Earth

Astronomers have predicted that a  rouge star called Gliese 710  is coming straight towards our Solar System rapidly, and now they have also worked out exactly when it should reach our solar system. …

Asteroid to Come Terrifyingly Close to Earth This Weekend

An asteroid that could potentially wipe out life as we know it is due to fly 'close' to Earth this Saturday.  While NASA is keeping an eye on the space rock, which is 230 metres (755 feet) in…

“Matter Of When Not If” Experts Warn Of DEVASTATING Asteroid Strike

In preparation for the upcoming Asteroid Day on June 30 – a day where scientists group together to discuss how to protect Earth from hazardous space rocks – one leading astrophysicist is warning that…

Basic Ingredient of Life Can Form In Comets, Say Researchers

An experiment mimicking our early solar system reveals that the sugar ribose, the 'R' in 'RNA,' can arise in the icy grains of comets. The origin of life on Earth has been a ma…
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