Showing posts with the label Asteroid Flyby

Asteroid Will Make a Close Pass by Earth on Friday

A small asteroid will make a relatively close pass to Earth on Friday, but astronomers say we're in no danger. The asteroid, called 2018 CB, will zip past Earth around 5:30 p.m. ET at a distance …

An Asteroid Will Flyby Earth at Soaring 100,000 kmh

NASA has said that the Asteroid 2002 AJ 129 will pass quite close to Earth at a distance of 2,615,128 miles. At this close proximity, it has been classifies as dangerous. The asteroid is 3,696 feet w…

Huge, Mysterious Object Flying Past Earth Might Be an Alien Spacecraft

A huge object that flew past Earth  might be an alien spacecraft, scientists have said. Scientists had originally thought that the cigar-shaped object was a very strange passing asteroid. But a numbe…

A Huge Asteroid Zoomed Terrifyingly Close To Earth and NASA Didn't See It Coming

Asteroid 2017 VL2 is the size of a whale, which means it’s large enough to wipe out a major city. It measures between six and 32 metres wide and came within 73,000 miles of the surface of Earth. This…

'Potentially Hazardous' Three-Mile-Wide Asteroid to Skim Earth Just DAYS before Christmas

A massive asteroid is set to skim the Earth on December 16, just over a week before Christmas. With a diameter of about 3 miles, the asteroid - named 3200 Phaethon after the Greek demi-god who, accor…

‘Nibiru is Fictional,’ but Apophis Asteroid May Strike Earth April 2029, Says Neil deGrasse Tyson

So, did you do enough science in school? If you believe in Nibiru it may be that you didn’t, according to  astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson . “It’s just fiction,” he says of Planet X – Nibiru. It’…

An Asteroid the Size of A HOUSE Will Zoom Terrifying Close To Planet Earth Next Week

The asteroid will zoom past at a distance of about 27,300 miles, which is an eighth of the distance from the Earth to the Moon, according to the  European Space Agency. This is just far enough away …

Largest-Ever Asteroid Is About To Fly by Earth

A massive asteroid estimated to be 2.7 miles wide is set to make a ‘relatively close encounter’ with Earth on September 1. Dubbed ‘Florence,’ the huge space rock will pass just 4.4 million miles from…

Asteroid Nearly Misses Earth, We Only Spotted It Three Days Later

We can never be too careful. On July 20th  Asteroid 2017 001 w  came within  123,031 kilometers  (or 76,448 miles) from Earth. The asteroid was approximately 37 to 77 meters (121 to 252 feet) across …

Asteroid in Close Shave with Earth Three Days BEFORE It Was Even Detected

A space rock now designated as asteroid 2017 OO1 was detected on July 23, 2017 from the ATLAS-MLO telescope at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. An analysis of its trajectory revealed it had been closest to Earth o…
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