Showing posts with the label Asteroid 2012 TC4

House-Sized Asteroid That Came 'Damn Close' To Earth Last Week May Not Miss Our Planet On Its Return Visit

Yesterday, an asteroid estimated to be up to 100 feet wide made a close shave with Earth, as it soared past at a distance of just 27,000 miles above the surface – or, as some scientists have put it, …

Asteroid that Narrowly Missed Earth Might Make Impact on Return Trip

Asteroid 2012 TC4, estimated to be 50 to 100 feet in length, came within 27,300 miles of Earth earlier in October, which is way too close for comfort. By comparison, the moon is never closer than 363…

An Asteroid the Size of A HOUSE Will Zoom Terrifying Close To Planet Earth Next Week

The asteroid will zoom past at a distance of about 27,300 miles, which is an eighth of the distance from the Earth to the Moon, according to the  European Space Agency. This is just far enough away …
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