Showing posts with the label Argentina

Argentina's UFO Agency is Being Shut Down - Here's Why

Tweet      When Mauricio Macri became the new President of Argentina, his administration decided to shut down several pet projects of his predecessor, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner. One particula…

Argentina’s Real-Life X-Files Unit; Its Rise and Fall

LIMA, Peru — Even at the best of times, Argentina’s former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was controversial. Accused of populism, corruption, mismanaging the economy and un-statesmanl…

Watch International Intergalactic Alien Festival in Argentina

Thousands of alien enthusiasts turned out to meet their intergalactic compatriots during an international alien festival in the small town of Capilla del Monte in Argentina’s remote interior. …

Argentina's International UFO Site, Home of Annual Festival

By Kamilia Lahrichi USA Today 2-7-16      CAPILLA DEL MONTE, Argentina — Residents in this town are positive intelligent aliens from another galaxy are living among them. So positive, the town of 1…
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